We get how important it is to make your collectors' visits to your website easy and enjoyable. It's also vital that it's a simple, straightforward process.
A Captcha Security feature is an integral part of our security measures on the following:
- Contact the Artist form page
- BoldBrush Artful Alerts sign ups
- Newsletter Subscriber forms
Check out this article:
Why Does Your FASO Newsletter Signup Have a CAPTCHA?
The Captcha Security feature has a modern look and feel and is super easy to use. It simply requires that your viewer check the "I'm not a robot" box upon submitting their message content.
This safety feature is common across various sites on the internet. It is not an unexpected or difficult hoop to jump through.
We're sure you understand the importance of FASO's need to keep your site security in peak performance at all times.
This is just one of many features we have developed and enabled in order to ensure the utmost security in regards to your website.
If this feature protects even one of our artists from someone seeking to do malicious things, it is well worth it!
Captcha Defined:
Captcha is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to distinguish human from machine input, typically as a way of thwarting spam and automated extraction of data from websites.
It can be a jumble of letters and numbers that "spam bots" (that troll the internet sending automated emails) cannot read or just a simple check box.
At FASO, we've recently enhanced security on our newsletter signup forms by adding a Google reCaptcha requirement.
Unfortunately, malicious bot activity has increased exponentially over the past few years and we've been forced to implement this countermeasure to ensure that only humans are signing up for your artist newsletter.
I know that some people feel that our security in this area is overkill. That complaint is usually because you see the higher, enhanced version of the reCaptcha form.
One important thing to keep in mind is that most of your site visitors will only see the simple version of the reCaptcha form which simply asks them to click 'I am not a robot.'
It is not possible to turn off the captcha security feature. |
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