Released in late 2022, the Boldbrush Circle of Marketing is full of features to help you better market your art!
The Circle is our unique art marketing framework that has proven itself to sell art without all the grift and hype you normally see from art blogs, coaches and gurus.
This framework has been developed over the 30 years Clint Watson has been in the art business, as a gallery director, gallery owner, and, for over two decades, the founder of FASO Artist Websites, where we have seen what works and what doesn’t work in our dealings with well over 20,000 artists in that time. We continue to update the framework in real time.
Within this Members Only database you can:
- ask questions and engage in a community dialog in Ask the Community
- watch recent marketing webinar videos
- take advantage of the Art Marketing Calendar
plus so much more!
To access the Boldbrush Circle of Marketing
- from control panel
- click Marketing icon (upper row)
- click
Continue to BoldBrush Circle Community button
Community in the left column