By default, all identifiable automated traffic is blocked from accessing artists’ websites and their content, unless vetted and approved by our team.
These blocking measures prevent a huge amount of unwanted traffic, which can sometimes account for up to 70% of the traffic sent to our servers.
Identifying automated traffic is not always straightforward and has become increasingly challenging over the last few years, as bad actors have found it easier to disguise automated traffic as regular traffic as technology has evolved.
Furthermore, with the recent rise in AI models' adoption and popularity, more companies are starting to scrape sites to obtain data for training their models. As previously mentioned, their traffic may or may not be identifiable based on how sophisticated and ethical their scraping techniques are, so it is not possible to completely block unwanted automated traffic in general, but we do try to block as much as possible.
Adding stricter traffic blocking rules is a difficult balancing act, as doing so can increase the likelihood of false positives. This means that legitimate traffic could be blocked, potentially impacting the user experience on our artists' websites.