A statistics program attached to your website can help analyze how well your marketing is working. It can also be a time-consuming learning curve.
FASO Analytics (stats) are activated within 24 hours of becoming a paying client.
You can go into as much in depth as you like or keep it simple.
Detailed Analytics are available on the Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans.
Intro Plan Includes Basic Stats Only. See this FAQ for more info about that:
Intro Plan Includes Basic Stats Only
To Access your FASO Stats:
- FASO control panel
- Click Analytics icon (upper row)
- Click Detailed
For additional FAQ's about FASO Stats, click here.
For information not covered in our FAQs, including definitions and customized tracking, please click here to visit our provider's Help Page.
When someone visits your website, your visitor count goes up by 1 and a new visitor session is started. All actions taken beyond the first one are attached to that visitor session. Sessions expire after 30 minutes of inactivity. This means if the visitor leaves and comes back a few hours later, or they remain on your site but don't do anything for 30 minutes, your visitor count for the day will increase again.
Visitor's Log
This lists a log of all visitors. You can name them by clicking on the IP address and then choosing Rename. It will list the keywords/searches used to get that visitor to your site. It also gives the referring link.
Action Log
Tells you what visitors have looked at your site. It also gives the referring link (where they were referred from online).
Engagements (actions)
Takes the actions of visitors and puts them into a range. Also gives you a percentage of if this is an increase in activity or decrease in activity.
Engagement Time
Tells how long a visitor is staying on a given page. This is a good clue as to how interested they are. Also gives you a percentage of if this is an increase in activity or decrease in activity.
Most Active Visitors
Lists the top visitors by activity level. Again, you can name these visitors by clicking on the IP address. It also lists how many times they've visited.
Traffic Sources
This gives you a general breakdown of how visitors are arriving at your site, which we primarily calculate by analyzing a visitor's referrer data.
Direct - How many visitors arrived at your site with an empty referrer string. This usually means they typed in your address by hand or used a bookmark to get to your page.
Links - How many visitors arrived via a link from another web site, excluding search engines
Searches - How many visitors arrived by an external search engine
Media searches - How many visitors arrived from an image-specific search. Other engines and types may be supported in the future, hence the name media, but for now we only detect Google, Yahoo, and Bing image searches.
Advertising - How many visitors arrived via advertisements you may be running. We determine this by looking at the domain of the referrer, or if they match a campaign you have setup in our system. If it is a major known advertising domain, or the domain matches certain patterns such as ad, ads, or pagead, then we put the visitor in this category.
Email - How many visitors arrived via email. Only web mail is supported, however, because clicking on a link from within a program like Outlook will not send any referrer data to your site.
Syndication - How many visitors arrived via an web-based RSS readers, such as Google Reader, Netvibes, etc.
Social Media - How many visitors arrived via popular social media sites. Supported sites include: Twitter, pownce, youtube, myspace, facebook, orkut, digg, reddit, propeller, sphinn, mixx, newsvine, sk-rt, shoutwire, stumbleupon, popurls, fark, metafilter, techmeme, ma.gnolia, flickr, yahoo buzz, del.icio.us, furl, blinklist, dzone, hyves, nujij, ekudos, reporter.msn, and grubb.
1. Pages
Pages viewed. The little arrow takes you directly to the page on your site. If you click the link, it gives you visitor details, actions, total time spent on site, bounces, who the visitor was, and referring link.
2. Entrance
An entrance page, sometimes called a landing page, is the page that a new visitor session starts on. If a visitor comes to your site directly, that will typically be your front page, but visitors coming to your site via searches or other external links will probably be landing on other pages initially. The entrance pages section shows which pages are the most popular first pages that people see. Likewise, an exit page is the last page that a user sees before leaving your web site.
3. Exit
Please see Entrance.
FineArtStudioOnline Artist Analytics by FASO automatically tracks clicks on any links that point to a file on your web site. Supported file extensions are: 7z, aac, avi, csv, doc, exe, flv, gif, gz, jpg, jpeg, mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpg, mov, msi, pdf, phps, png, ppt, rar, sit, tar, torrent, txt, wma, wmv, xls, xml, and zip. When a visitor clicks a download, that action will show up in their visitor session, and the total value for downloads of that file will be incremented by 1.
5. Clicks
Along with page views, outgoing links, and downloads, clicks represents the fourth and final action type. It can be used to track clicks on anything on your web site. If your site uses a lot of Ajax or plain Javascript for some interface elements (like we do for the dashboard and the spy page), you would probably find it useful to track people interacting with these elements so you can understand their behavior better. However, we don't know what other clicks you would want to track besides outgoing links and downloads, so you have to set this up manually if you want to use it.
6. Video
If you'd like to learn more about the video tracking, Click Here.
1. Search info
How you're found. Can click on the term for more info.
2. Keywords
What keywords are being used to find your site.
3. Engines
What search engines are referring back to you.
4. Rankings
This is a paid service. Details can be found on this page.
5. Recent
Keyword search results
6. Newest Unique
Most recent, newest terms being used
1. Incoming
Links that lead to your site. Click the link on your page for more details.
2. Domains
How they arrived to your site via what domains.
3. Outgoing
An outgoing link is a link on your web site that points to another external web site. FineArtStudioOnline Artist Analytics by FASO automatically tracks clicks on these links so you can see how your visitors are leaving your web site and where you are sending the most traffic to. When a visitor clicks an outgoing link, that action will show up in their visitor session, and the total value for clicks on that link will be incremented by 1.
4. Recent
Displays recent link activity.
5. Newest Unique
A way to see how new, unique visitors are getting to your site.
6. Bit.ly
If you have a bit.ly account that you use to shorten URLs, FineArtStudioOnline Artist Analytics by FASO can show you basic click data on the last 15 links you have shortened. You just need to enter in your bit.ly username (under Advanced settings).
1. Web Browsers
Shows what browsers your visitors are using.
2. Operating System
Tells what operating system your visitors are using.
3. Screen Resolution
Self- explanatory. Not sure why you'd need to know this, but hey... whatever. 😉
4. Hardware
Track iPhone, Android visits
1. Countries
2. Regions - by State for USA
3. Cities
4. Languages
5. Organizations - A visitor's organization (and hostname) is determined by looking up their IP address in a third party database. It is not 100% accurate, but close to it. These values represent the company that owns that IP address. For example, if someone from Microsoft corporate headquarters visited your site, you would see Microsoft as their organization. Unfortunately, many home users can't be identified by anything more accurate than their ISP, which is not nearly as useful. This is why there is an option in your site preferences to only show a visitor's organization if it is not an ISP. This filter looks for certain keywords in the organization's name, such as internet, broadband, telecom, etc and hides the data if there's a match. This filter is not 100% accurate but enabling it helps the visitors with real organization details to stand out.
6. Host names - Internet service provider info
7. Maps - brings up a map of all your visitor's locations
8. Recent Visitors Map - plots on a map where recent visitors are from
Explains the hows and whys on the page.
Goals page explains how to use goals and how to setup. For a quick example: if you're shooting for 50 sign ups for your workshop, you can set a goal and track this.
Also does split tests.
Shows who is on your site right now. This is good for determining your IP (if you don't know it) and naming/excluding it. Also tells what they're looking at.
Explains the use for this option on the page. It's basically a way to set up a search tool to see who's talking about you on Twitter.
1. Info - gives info on the site
2. Preferences - tells host name, nickname, language, time zone, etc. Probably NOT something you should mess with without consulting tech support first.
3. Dashboard - preferences including trends, line graph vs bar graph, hourly vs daily defaults. Also, you can scroll down and drag modules around to customize how the dashboard appears on the main screen.
4. Tracking Code - the tracking code that other folks would have to add to their site. FASO does this for you. There is no need for you to do anything with this code.
5. IP Tags and Filters - add IPs you know, exclusion cookie
6. Email Reports - set up reports to be mailed to you and up to 9 other people to help keep track of visitors
7. Alerts - Set up an alert via email or Twitter Direct Message when something happens of importance on your site (such as a goal being met, a certain page visited, etc)
8. Widgets - Customize to add to your site to show visitor info
9. Saved Filters - any filters you've created
10. RSS feeds - you can subscribe via RSS to have your stats info sent to your reader.
The Dashboard (located on the main page) displays the above information in boxes. You can customize this page by going into preferences.
Of course, you can also set the date range for information shown.