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My Emails are Ending up as Spam

Emails being filtered to spam

Everyone wants and expects email to function 100% of the time and for all legitimate emails to be delivered to the inbox and for all spam to be filtered. Unfortunately, that is not the reality of it.

Lots of legitimate email can get filtered to spam. They are at the mercy of the filtration of the receiving email provider. 

It can happen to anyone. It is part of conducting business via email and no one is immune to it. 

Reasons an email may have been filtered as spam:

  • The wording in the subject and/or body of the email. 
    Example: Some spam filters are a bit on the aggressive side when it comes to transactional type emails that contain any talk of purchasing or buying since there are so many scams that use that type of wording. 
  • Some systems will filter email based on the email history and reputation score.
    When an email address is new, it can take a while to build up a history and sending reputation and unfortunately some filters are set to filter new addresses to spam. 
    This is likely because, most spammers are always changing email addresses. 


  • One of the best and easiest recommendations would be for you to ask the parties you are emailing to add your address to their address/contacts list or safelist/whitelist. 
  • Use your domain email address more frequently so you can build up a more history which will also build up your sending reputation.
  • Make sure your domain has been authenticated. 
    You can contact Support for confirmation. 


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