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This item is a unique original and is also in another customer's cart.

The message
This item is a unique original and is also in another customer's cart. 
will show up in a buyer's shopping cart if another potential buyer has added the same unique original art to their cart without completing their purchase.

This ecommerce feature is informational only. The intention is to gently play into art collectors' competitive streak and their fear of missing out. When it is seen, it can prompt 'a race to the finish line' and can help prod sales.

It will not prevent someone from being able to purchase the artwork unless someone purchased it first.

If someone adds a piece to their cart and lets it sit there, the cookie is set to expire after 4+ hours.

If your buyer is seeing that message, they can complete their transaction without disruption.

NOTE: This does not apply when using custom paypal buttons.

Important ~ Sell More Than Once

If you are selling more than one of any of your listed items (NOT an original unique piece of art), see this FAQ:
Adjust Settings to be able to Sell more than One Item ~ Giclee Print, Greeting Card, Book, DVD, Calendar, etc.

If you have correctly set the preference to sell more than one, the note, This item is a unique original and is also in another customer's cart., will not pop up in the shopping cart.



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