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  1. How do I change my template?

    Click Here for Samples of Artist Website Templates by FASO For How to Change Templates  Video Tutorial,  Click Here...

  2. View Samples of FASO Templates

    Click Here to see all Artist Website Templates by FASO 04152019

  3. Artwork Thumbnail Layout on Various Templates

    To view how your thumbnails will look on different templates: login to your FASO Control Panel click Design icon...

  4. Thumbnail Layout ~ Masonry, Row or Slideshow

    Our Generation 3 templates show thumbnail images in one of 3 styles:  Slideshow Masonry Row The Masonry layout is...

  5. Can't Reorder Thumbnails ~ Masonry Style

    Using a Masonry-type template, you cannot control the order of your thumbnails 100%, nor the number of images per...

  6. HandCrafted Custom Websites

    If you see Handcrafted website by FASO , then it's a fully custom site created by our Design Team,...

  7. Adding Sound ~ Music Not Recommended

    When showing art, it's tempting to want to create ambiance by adding music to your site like classical or...

  8. Templates Hard-Coded for Color

    The following templates are hard-coded for color (you can not customize the colors): Sorolla Sargent Loft If you want...

  9. Font Changes Require Custom Work

    General Font Info Choosing fonts for the web can be frustrating, especially for those who are used to print...

  10. Image Sizes per Template: Main Page Image, Thumbnail Image, Zoom Image, Bio Image

    To see a preview of templates see this page: Artist Website Templates by FASO Here is a comparison chart...

  11. Sidebar Widgets are not Supported on all Templates

    Not all templates support these widgets: Recent Works Latest Blog Posts Upcoming Events Join My Email List These templates...

  12. Templates with Hover Feature on Thumbnails

    The following templates include a hover feature when hovering over thumbnail images, showing the image details when you hold...

  13. Main Page Image gets Cropped on Some Templates

    The following FASO templates are designed to have the Main Page image fill the full width of the screen:...

  14. How do I upgrade to a Gen 3 design?

    How to Upgrade to a Gen 3 Template You can easily change an outdated template to any Gen 3...

  15. What has changed? Why do I need to upgrade?

    What has changed? The world of technology is constantly advancing at an amazingly accelerated rate and altering data across...

  16. How Your Portfolio Page Displays ~ Portfolio View or Artwork Detail Page

    FASO templates offer 2 choices for how artwork details are displayed. One of these 2 options will open when...

  17. Templates that Show Social Media Icons at Top

    The templates listed below show the social media icons at the top of every page on your site. They...

  18. Font Discrepancy between Desktop View and Mobile View ~ iOS14

    On the most recent iPhone/iPad iOS update, the font has been altered and is adding a dot above the...

  19. Hamburger Icon or the word Menu in the Navigation bar, per Template

    Here is a rundown on which templates show the Hamburger icon or the word Menu in the navigation bar....

  20. Edit Page Heading or Category Title

    The page heading is an important part of each category on your website. This is something search engines reference...

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